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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Honey farm to be built in Mongolia's Selenge province

Oyundelger 2016-12-04 07:12

Honey farm to be built in Mongolia's Selenge province.

Honey farm to be built in Mongolia's Selenge province. Selenge Province Administration and the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agencyhave reached an agreement on build a honey bee farm. Mongolia’s honey industry is centralized in Shaamar district of Selenge province where almost 90 percent of businesses engage in bee farming.Selenge Province Administration and the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency plan to build a bee farm on the area of 200 square meters with an investment of US$30,000. The building a new bee farm will enable beekeepers to keep their bees safe and warm during the upcoming winter, promote honey production, develop small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as increase jobs.  

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