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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Community resilience to natural disasters would improve

Oyundelger 2016-12-04 07:12

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is to implement a grant project to increase herders’ resilience to dzud winter disaster, fires, and other disasters.

Community resilience to natural disasters would improve. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is to implement a grant project to increase herders’ resilience to dzud winter disaster, fires, and other disasters. The project responds to the Mongolian government’s need to shift towards a more holistic approach emphasizing disaster risk reduction and community engagement, as well as emergency response.The project is expected to benefit a total population of 32,000 including 7,000 herders. The Strengthening Community Resilience to Dzud and Forest and Steppe Fires Project is the first in Mongolia to introduce a bottom-up institutionalized approach for involving rural communities in disaster risk management – an undertaking that will help strengthen the capacity of herders and local disaster risk management administrations to manage risks of dzud and forest and steppe fires in some of the more vulnerable and poor areas of Mongolia. The broad scope of this project reflects the work of the government and ADB to target key regions, sectors and beneficiaries for poverty alleviation, livelihoods, and the environment.An extreme climate and nomadic herding lifestyle means Mongolia faces high risk of loss of livelihood and damage to the ecosystem and environment from disasters. Dzuds and forest and steppe fires are among the most damaging natural hazards in Mongolia. The dzud winter disaster kills livestock and damages the livelihoods of thousands of herder households. 

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