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Broadcast 12-01-2025

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Construction process of new airport project completed

Oyundelger 2016-11-17 07:11

The new Ulaanbaatar International Airport is located 52 km south of Ulaanbaatar city.

Construction process of new airport project is almost completed. The new Ulaanbaatar International Airport is located 52 km south of Ulaanbaatar city. The construction is designed for the capacity of up to 3 million passengers per year and to receive 1500 passengers per hour. The airport is able to launch 6 planes from its passenger boarding bridges and 13 planes from its field. 5 planes with up to 300 passengers are able to take off at once. Having the cargo capacity projected to increase 10-fold, the airport is hoped to be an airline hub which connects Europe and East Asia, North America and South East Asia through the Polar route. The construction of Mongolia’s new international airport is expected to be finished by January 2017.  

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