UN backs Mongolia-initiated resolution on eradicating illiteracy
UN backs Mongolia-initiated resolution on eradicating illiteracy.
UN backs Mongolia-initiated resolution on eradicating illiteracy. Mongolia-proposed a draft resolution on education of literacy was approved at the plenary session of the 71st UNGA Third Committee. United Nations’ 101 member states agreed to be the co-authors of the resolution. Despite the decades of universal efforts on improving literacy throughout the world, there are over 760 million illiterate adults, and some 250 million of the total of 650 million children of age of primary school are living under a condition without an access to education of literacy, says the introduction to the document. The issue of literacy education was included as a separate article in the Sustainable Development Goals beyond 2015. The revised resolution on education of literacy outlines an importance of joint commitment to and investment from all parties in implementation of the Global Alliance for Literacy and the International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity. The essence of the resolution is that it raises concern about the education of literacy for those children, who are from the vulnerable groups, rural regions and living under conditions of humanitarian crises. Mongolia was recorded to have 98.4 percent literacy rate in 2015.
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