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Broadcast 12-01-2025

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AmCham Mongolia promotes environmentally-friendly auto and machinery industry

Oyundelger 2016-11-07 08:11

American Chamber of Commerce in Mongolia’s Auto and Machinery Committee members met with the senior officials of the Ministry of Road and Transport Development.

AmCham Mongolia promotes environmentally-friendly auto and machinery industry. American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Mongolia’s Auto and Machinery Committee members met with the senior officials of the Ministry of Road and Transport Development to present AmCham’s Position Paper on the Auto and Machinery Industry in Mongolia, and to discuss further cooperation with the Ministry of Road and Transport Development. The paper emphasized and identified priority policy issues relevant to the auto and machinery industry, as well as short and mid-term policy solutions based on emerging international experience promoting a safe and environmentally-friendly auto and machinery industry in Mongolia. In particular, the paper addressed improving road safety by limiting and eventually banning the import of right-hand drive (RHD) vehicles, encouraging the import of left-hand drive (LHD) vehicles, introducing universal emission standards for vehicles; and addressing the issue of low quality diesel fuel in Mongolia, which is incompatible with modern Euro 5+ engines. 

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