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Broadcast 12-01-2025

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Pressing issues of sources of drinking water being considered

Oyundelger 2016-10-28 02:10

Pressing issues of sources of drinking water is being considered.

Pressing issues of sources of drinking water is being considered. The 24th Meeting of the International Hydrological Program’s (IHP) Regional Steering Committee for Southeast Asia and the Pacific is taking place in Mongolia’s capital city Ulaanbaatar. The meeting focuses on finding potential solutions to urgent issues of sources of drinking water, especially in urban areas. More than 40 experts from Mongolia, Japan, China, South Korea, Vietnam and other countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific are presenting their ideas, practical experience and feasible solutions to the problems their own countries are confronted with. In the Asia and Pacific region, coordination and implementation of the program has been actively supported through the IHP Regional Steering Committee (RSC) established in 1993 and currently counting 17 IHP National Committees members and Category 2 water centers from the region.   

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