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Broadcast 12-01-2025

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World Bank compliments implementation of national literacy program

Oyundelger 2016-10-23 06:10

World Bank compliments implementation of national literacy program.

World Bank compliments implementation of national literacy program.  World Bank consultants have been working in Mongolia on assessment of the implementation of the “National mid-term program for financial literacy” program. The WB consultants applauded Mongolia’s progress in improving the public financial literacy and pledged support for expanding the program outreach within such a short period of time. The “National mid-term program for financial literacy” was developed with the World Bank’s technical assistance. Under the program, the financial literacy was reflected in the general education school curriculum, and, as a result, more than one thousand teachers were trained and more than 2,000 high school students started taking “business studies” classes. Also, “personal finance” classes were added to the curricula of all tertiary education institutions, and the professors have put together student books and booklets. The program leaders intend to work closely with NGOs in order to improve financial education of those living in localities and rural areas and of businesspeople in small and medium enterprises, and to open a website to provide basic financial knowledge.  

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