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Broadcast 12-01-2025

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America to help train Young Mongolians on leadership

Oyundelger 2016-10-20 01:10

America is to help train Young Mongolians on leadership.

America is to help train Young Mongolians on leadership. The U.S. Agency for International Development launched the Leaders Advancing Democracy (LEAD)-Mongolia Program implemented by World Learning. LEAD Mongolia finished receiving the first-round applications for 30 trainee positions. LEAD-Mongolia will help to shape the next generation of democratic champions through a variety of leadership opportunities, international exchanges, and civic education and engagement activities. The program will focus on environment and urbanization, poverty alleviation and unemployment, and transparency and anti-corruption. In the margin of its USD 2.5 million cost, the program will recruit 90 young leaders from Mongolia aged between 25 and 40.  

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