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Broadcast 12-01-2025

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Poor air quality observed in Ulaanbaatar

Oyundelger 2016-10-20 12:10

Poor air quality observed in Mongolian capital city.

Poor air quality observed in Mongolian capital city. Air quality department in Ulaanbaatar city reported that air pollution of several locations in Ulaanbaatar is higher than the cities, which lead the WHO Global Urban Ambient Air Pollution Database 2016. In winter, the amount of particles in air will be doubled, particularly in ger-areas of Ulaanbaatar city where two third of the population live in houses and traditional dwellings that have not connected to the central heating system. As the winter approaches, the citizens of Ulaanbaatar city face the worst air quality caused by heavy coal burning. According to the latest study, the air pollution has been one of the major reasons to exacerbate pneumonia of children and cardiovascular disease of adults.Even the peak time of air pollution has not started yet the air quality index in ger peri urban areas of the capital city is few times higher than the WHO air quality standard. The power plant, vehicles, asphalt, cement and ash dust are considered as the main sources of air pollution. 

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