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Broadcast 12-01-2025

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Mongolia to host Asia-Pacific Conference 2017

Oyundelger 2016-09-29 05:09

Mongolia to host Asia-Pacific Conference 2017.

Mongolia to host Asia-Pacific Conference 2017. Junior Chamber International (JCI) Mongolia will host the next JCI Regional Congress for Asia and Pacific (ASPAC) in Ulaanbaatar. Organizing ASPAC 2017 in Ulaanbaatar is believed to promote Mongolia, in particular Ulaanbaatar, to the rest of the world. Through the conference, Mongoliawill be able to improve national economic circulation and currency turnover, and enhance the social engagement of young people and the private sector. So far, nearly 4,000 JCI representatives have registered to participate in the regional congress.Ulaanbaatar Deputy Mayor Mr. Batbayasgalan emphasized that JCI is a world-class non-profit organization that unites, guides, and motivates young people in bringing about social and economic development, international cooperation, goodwill, and understanding. He said that the Ulaanbaatar Mayor’s Office will actively support the organization of next year’s ASPAC in Mongolia. 

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