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Broadcast 12-01-2025

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Combating gender-based violence project launched

Oyundelger 2016-09-29 04:09

Combating gender-based violence in Mongolia project launched.

“Combating gender-based violence in Mongolia” project launched. The project is co-funded by the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Mongolian Government.The project aims to create knowledge about the current situation of gender-based violence and its causes across the country through data collection, to raise public awareness and to sensitize decision-makers to the issue of gender-based violence, as well as to improve and expand response and support mechanisms for gender-based violence survivors. Genderbased violence (GBV), particularly domestic violence (DV), remains one of the most serious and lifethreatening human rights violations in Mongolia and in the world. A 2015 assessment conducted by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights revealed that GBV, particularly DV, is prevalent and widespread. Furthermore, while concrete data on GBV prevalence is scant, indicative national data reveals an upward trend in cases of GBV. While important progress in improving the legal environment to effectively deal with GBV has been made in recent years, it is necessary to provide technical and financial support to the Mongolian government to ensure meaningful and lasting change regarding GBV. 

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