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Broadcast 12-01-2025

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UB public transport invested by JCDecauxto to be continued

Oyundelger 2016-09-26 05:09

UB public transport invested by JCDecauxto to be continued.

UB public transport invested by JCDecauxto to be continued. Mayor of Ulaanbaatar Mr. Batbold met with Jean-Marie, executive of the JCDecaux multinational advertising corporation. JCDecaux, the world's biggest outdoor-advertising company signed a 30-year contract with Ulaanbaatar city in 2014. The contract covers the installation, upkeep and maintenance of over 200 bus-stop advertising systems, providing advertising, 150 free-standing city information panels, billboards and other so-called items of "street furniture". Mr. Jean-Marie noted that the company will continue with investment in public transport and cooperate in UB's bus rapid transit system.  Currently more than 140 bus-stops and 137 information boards costing 3 million USD have been installed by JCDecaux.

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