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Broadcast 12-01-2025

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Armed forces expand relations

Oyundelger 2016-09-21 10:09

Armed forces expand relations.

Armed forces expand relations. The Mongolian Armed Forces and U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific began participating in the Non-Lethal Weapons Executive Seminar (NOLES) 2016. This multinational event is designed to promote awareness and effective use of non-lethal weapons as a tool to maintain order in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations, low-intensity conflicts or civil unrest scenarios.NOLES is a regularly scheduled field training exercise and leadership seminar sponsored by U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific and hosted annually by various nations throughout Asia-Pacific. In addition to participation from Mongolia and the United States, Mongolian Armed Forces invited military leaders from 25 nations to participate in the multinational seminar as an opportunity for all participating nations to enhance interoperability and strengthen military-to-military partnerships through cooperation. 

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