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Broadcast 12-01-2025

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Social welfare in Mongolia is being supported

Oyundelger 2016-08-24 09:08

Social welfare in Mongolia is being supported.

Social welfare in Mongolia is being supported with new program. Welfare programs of the ADB is supporting reforms in Mongolia to ensure the sustainability of welfare programs and develop policies and regulations to improve targeting and consolidate social welfare programs. Welfare programs in Mongolia focus on the provision of social pensions, allowances, and services to citizens with special needs who are in poor health, lack family support, and are not capable of living independently. Programs also support individual household members who require social welfare assistance to meet their basic daily needs. The main area of reform under the program focused on improving policies and regulations to support targeting and consolidation of social welfare programs. The program supported reforms under Mongolia’s economic adjustment plan to improve fiscal policy management to ensure the sustainability of welfare programs, and develop policies and regulations to improve targeting of beneficiaries and consolidate social welfare programs.   

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