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Broadcast 12-01-2025

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Arrhythmic patients can now be treated in Mongolia

Oyundelger 2016-08-24 04:08

Arrhythmic patients can now be treated at home.

Arrhythmic patients can now be treated at home. A team of Mongolian doctors have succeeded in conducting electrophysiological tests and radiofrequency catheter treatments for three male and three female arrhythmic patients between this July 18 and 22. Before this, arrhythmia was one the 39 diseases that was not treated in Mongolia. The team of doctors has been working for five months at the Shastin III Hospital of State, under a name “Professional research team on arrhythmia operations”. Complete set of equipment, required in the electrophysiological tests and   radiofrequency catheter treatments and worth MNT 1.2 billion, has been installed in the hospital.  

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