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Broadcast 27,28-12-2024

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Khan bank sponsors donation project

Odonchimeg 2016-06-20 10:06

Khan bank sponsors donation project.

Khan bank sponsors donation project. Neonatal Unit2 Project, initiated by young leaders calls upon to raise donations to furnish the neonatal resuscitation ward and intensive care unit (ICU) of the National Center for Communicable Diseases /NCCD/. John Bell, CEO of Khan Bank which sponsers the project said, “We are delighted to handover the international standard, newly furnished unit to NCCD. It is one of the major initiatives implemented within the framework of Khan Bank’s social responsibility”. The measles outbreak of the past two consecutive years has been a shock for families, and Khan Bank generously sponsored the project, which is a major contribution to the health sector. The neonatal resuscitation ward and intensive care unit of NCCD receives children diagnosed with severe contagious illness from all over the country.  

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