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Broadcast 30-12-2024

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Labor market of Mongolia to be strengthened

Odonchimeg 2016-06-19 06:06

Labor market of Mongolia to be strengthened.

Labor market of Mongolia to be strengthened with skilled employees. The Skills for Employment Project was launched by the Government of Mongolia and ADB. The project will improve the employability of graduates from technical and vocational education and training (TVET) programs and courses in three priority sectors of the economy in Mongolia including agriculture, construction, and road and transportation. It will also support the reform of the TVET system in Mongolia through the development of an industry-driven TVET system, upgrading of selected TVET providers to implement competency-based training and assessment, the establishment of training systems for TVET teachers and managers, and support for secondary education career guidance and schools specializing in technology (basic engineering). Mongolia’s economy has grown rapidly, resulting in significant changes to the employment structure and demand for skills. The Government of Mongolia has been advancing technical and vocational education and training as a measure for employment promotion.   

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