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Broadcast 16-01-2025

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ASEM Consultative meeting on food security held

Odonchimeg 2016-06-19 06:06

ASEM Consultative meeting on food security to be held next week.

ASEM Consultative meeting on food security to be held next week. One of the side events of the forthcoming 11th ASEM Summit, the Consultative meeting on food security will be aimed at  improving food supply in ASEM members by accelerating food production, promoting the public-private-partnership (PPP) and  regulating effectively the national and regional policy on foods. The meeting will be held under three main topics including the food supply in Asian and European regions; trade, transportation and logistics of foods; and climate change impact on food safety. The consultative meeting will be attended by representatives from public and non-governmental organizations engaged in the agricultural industry of 17 countries, Embassies and Consulates in Mongolia, and 11 international organizations including the European Union that are implementing projects and programs on agriculture and food. The consultative meeting will be resulted in releasing recommendations and conclusion that are to be summed up and presented at a pertinent debate of the 11th ASEM Summit scheduled on July 15-16 in Ulaanbaatar.  

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