Mongolian energy sector continues to build up
Mongolian energy sector continues to build up.
Mongolian energy sector continues build up. The sector for the first time worked without any losses in 2015 and managed to reduce the cost of energy imported from abroad and operational costs. With regulation of energy prices, the energy sector is now able to operate without any economic losses. The lack of heating sources required for emerging housing blocks and re-planning of ger peri urban districts of the capital city was resolved with the commencement of Amgalan power plant. The energy sector earns profit from energy sold to mining processing plants. The mega project of expansion at the existing two thermal power plants helped lesson Mongolia’s dependency on import energy. Mongolia imported some 20% of its energy demand from China and Russia. However, the increasing domestic energy consumption asks for new sources. Several large energy sources have been planned for coming years to improve nation’s self sufficiency. The government gives particular significance to the use of renewable sources of energy. The biggest source of renewable energy, Salkhit wind farm was commissioned to supply energy to the central power grid. The wind farm created a favorable environment free of economic and financial difficulties for development projects for building solar, wind and hydroelectric power plants.
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