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Broadcast 05-02-2025

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European Union and UNDP Collaborate to Improve Skills and Employability of Mongolia’s Youth

Densmaa 2024-05-10 02:05

It has been two years since the introduction of the "Profiling" employment service of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), financed by the European Union.

It has been two years since the introduction of the "Profiling" employment service of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), financed by the European Union. The UNDP flagship “Profiling” employment service has already supported over 20,000 job seekers in navigating the labor market, proving especially beneficial for young people by providing personalized employment strategies, career counseling, skill development, and job placement support. Prioritizing inclusive education and skill development is another objective. The two organizations have initiated a two-year program with an inclusive curriculum at the Rehabilitation, Training, and Production Center in Ulaanbaatar for students with disabilities. The encouraging outcomes, evidenced by the successful employment of many graduates and the program's expansion to additional institutions, demonstrate the impactful nature of focused educational initiatives. Young persons with disabilities, including those suffering mental health issues, must be better integrated into Mongolia’s economy, and given their rightful place in society. A third dimension of UNDP and EU’s joint endeavor is about nurturing the entrepreneurial skills of young people. Empowering them with the resources and opportunities for entrepreneurship is not only an investment in individual dreams but also a crucial strategy to foster innovation, stimulate economic growth, and build a resilient future for Mongolia. Here, they work with leading technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions and roll out entrepreneurship training programs to cultivate the next generation of business leaders, incorporating essential entrepreneurial and interpersonal skills into their education.

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