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Broadcast 13-03-2025

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Mongolia and U.S signed air security agreement

Densmaa 2024-05-03 01:05

In August, 2023, The Minister of Road and Transport Development of Mongolia, signed an agreement on air relations with the United States

In August, 2023, The Minister of Road and Transport Development of Mongolia, signed an agreement on air relations with the United States, and direct flights between two countries agreed. On April 26, the “Sensitive Security Information Agreement” was signed within the framework of preparation work of direct flights. This agreement establishes a framework for the United States and Mongolia to share sensitive information related to civil aviation security. The agreement identifies procedures for handling and protecting security information and material to facilitate efforts to identify and address threats to international civil aviation and transportation security systems. It will also enable sharing of best practices to enhance aviation and transportation security systems, procedures, and operation. This agreement is a vital step towards greater air connectivity between the United States and Mongolia.

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