Students’ Research to Practice Works Presented

The School of Advanced Studies of the National University of Mongolia (NUM) organized a Face-to-face Forum "Teaching-Research-Industry"
The School of Advanced Studies of the National University of Mongolia (NUM) organized a Face-to-face Forum "Teaching-Research-Industry" on December 18, 2023, at the Center for Teacher and Student Excellence at the NUM. The Plant Biotechnology Laboratory of the School of Advanced Studies established a startup company for the translation of research to practice and presented four products invented as a result of their research: a mouthwash active against antibiotic-resistant bacteria and oral pathogens, throat-sucking pills that relieve mild to severe throat tonsils, liver protection tablets containing Scabiosa plant extract, and medication for liver cancer. The students started their research in 2014, and as a result, the four products are expected to be released on the market in about 1-2 years. The representatives from the NUM research laboratories, the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, private sector organizations, academic institutions, university startup companies, joint offices, and technology transfer centers attended the Forum.
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