Mongolia and China to Cooperate on Protection of White-naped Cranes

Protected Areas of Mongolia and China agreed to cooperate to protect the White-naped Cranes.
Protected Areas of Mongolia and China agreed to cooperate to protect the White-naped Cranes. Specifically, a Memorandum of Strategic Cooperation between the Khurkh Khuiten Nature Reserve (KKNR) and the Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve was signed on December 18, 2023. The two Natural Reserves are important nesting and breeding areas for many species of migratory waterfowl, including the White-naped Cranes (IUCN vulnerable) and White Cranes (IUCN endangered). Most of the western population of White-naped Cranes winter in Lake Poyang and nests in the wetlands of the grassland steppe and forest steppe zones in northeast Mongolia. The KRPR is known for the highest nesting density of this globally threatened species in Asia. Under the Memorandum, the two parties will cooperate to conduct joint research and monitor activities, disseminate educational information on the crane migration route, exchange experts, and publish scientific articles. In October 2022, the Department of the Special Protected Areas Management at the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, the Governor of Khentii aimag, together with Governors of the four soums surrounding the nature reserve signed an agreement with the Wildlife Science and Conservation Center of Mongolia to coordinate management of the reserve. The White-naped Cranes are “extremely rare” species and is classified as a “threatened” species according to the criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Hundreds of thousands of tourists come to Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve to see wintering White Cranes, White-naped Cranes, and other bird species. The 3rd Poyang Lake International Birdwatching Season has officially began running from November 2023 to January 2024.
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