Ambassadors-Designate of Malta and Bangladesh Hand Over Copies of Letters of Credence

Ankhbayar Nyamdorj, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, met with the Ambassador-designate of the Republic of Malta John Busuttil
Ankhbayar Nyamdorj, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, met with the Ambassador-designate of the Republic of Malta John Busuttil, and the Ambassador-designate of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Jashim Uddin, and received copies of their Letters of Credence on November 13 or this Monday. At the meetings, the State Secretary and Ambassadors exchanged views on strengthening bilateral relations and cooperation. Specifically, the two sides discussed ways to promote mutually beneficial cooperation in realizing major objectives reflected in the long and mid-term development policy documents of the Government of Mongolia. Moreover, the two parties agreed to contribute to resolving the pressing issues faced by the international community as well as strengthening the cooperation at the multilateral forum, including the UN and other international organizations.
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