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Broadcast 18-12-2024

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Income of state budget grows by 40% compared to last year

Densmaa 2023-10-16 04:10

The total income and aid from the state budget reached 17 trillion tugriks in nine months of this year.

The total income and aid from the state budget reached 17 trillion tugriks in nine months of this year. This is 5 trillion tugriks or 40% more than in the same period last year. Total expenditures and net loan repayments reached 14.7 trillion tugriks, while the balance sheet showed a profit of 2.2 trillion tugriks. Total revenue and aid from the state budget reached 2.4 trillion tugriks last month, compared to 816 billion tugriks last year, while balanced income assistance reached 2.3 trillion tugriks. Total spending and net loan repayments reached 2 trillion tugriks last month, while the balance sheet showed a profit of 340 billion tugriks.

Views: 435



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