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Broadcast 14-01-2025

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"Danshig Naadam-Khuree Tsam 2023" Takes Place

Densmaa 2023-08-08 03:08

The “Danshig Naadam - Khuree Tsam 2023,” Religious and Cultural Festival of Mongolia, took place at the Khui Doloon Khudag, outskirts of Ulaanbaatar on August 5-6, 2023.

The “Danshig Naadam - Khuree Tsam 2023,” Religious and Cultural Festival of Mongolia, took place at the Khui Doloon Khudag, outskirts of Ulaanbaatar on August 5-6, 2023. The Festival was jointly organized by the Governor’s Office and Tourism Department of the capital city and Gandantegchinlen Monastery. The “Danshig Naadam - Khuree Tsam 2023” commenced with Cham Dance, followed by a variety of events, including the Danshig parade, race of Soyolon (5-year-old horse), wrestling tournament, display of traditional Mongol attire, and the grand finale, the "City of Nomads" concert. At the Cham Dance, as tradition, specially trained monks wearing enormous and glorious masks and heavy ornaments danced in roles of deities with different characters, such as Ochirvaani (Vajrapani), showing suppression of the enemies and subduing the evil spirits with fierce movements. The Governor of the capital city and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar D. Sumiyabazar emphasized the utmost importance of promoting, preserving, and passing down the culture, traditions, and identity of the Mongol people. This year marks the 7th anniversary of the Festival.” The “Khuree Tsam and Maidar” photo exhibition, contests of traditional archery, mounted archery, and ankle-bone shooting, as well as concerts of Mongols, and a scientific conference titled “City of Nomads” were held as part of the Festival. Specifically, over 100 scientists and researchers of ethnology, historical studies, cultural anthropology of religion, and archeology from ten countries, including Mongolia, Tuva, Kalmyks, Buryatia, Inner Mongolia, Upper Mongolia, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Korea and the Federal Republic of Germany convened in the conference. Having been graciously invited to participate in the Festival, more than 20 artists from Buryatia, Inner Mongolia, Tuva, and Upper Mongols (Deed Mongol) displayed their exceptional talents.

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