JTBC announces new entertainment program 'Couriers in Mongolia'
JTBC recently announced the release of a new and exciting entertainment program called 'Couriers in Mongolia' (title subject to change)
JTBC recently announced the release of a new and exciting entertainment program called 'Couriers in Mongolia' (title subject to change). The show is set to air in the second half of the year and promises to be an entertaining ride for viewers. 'Couriers in Mongolia' is a program that seeks to deliver parcels in Mongolia. The show's unique concept sets it apart from other programs, and the fact that it will be set in a foreign country adds a touch of adventure and excitement. The show boasts an impressive lineup of celebrities as well. Singers Kim Jong Kook and Hong Kyung Min, actors Jang Hyuk, Cha Tae Hyun, Hong Kyung In, and Kang Hoon are all set to make appearances. These celebrities are not only known for their acting and singing skills, but they are also well-loved for their variety show appearances, making them perfect for this upcoming show. To ensure that the program runs smoothly, producers Kim Min Seok and Park Geun Hyung were brought on board to direct. The pair have worked together in the past, co-directing tvN's 'You Quiz on the Block' and JTBC's 'Handless Day'.
Views: 1289
nouari naghmouchi
04 Jun 2023 11:48:17
Bonjour Belle émission du courriers en Mongolie, fidèle auditeur de l'Algérie, merci de m'écrire
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