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Broadcast 15-01-2025

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Bogd Khan Palace museum to be renovated by Indian specialists

Densmaa 2023-05-17 03:05

The Minister of culture held an official meeting with the Ambassador of India to Mongolia, Mr. Singh, yesterday.

The Minister of culture held an official meeting with the Ambassador of India to Mongolia, Mr. Singh, yesterday. At the start of the meeting, the two sides noted and celebrated the collaborative efforts in organizing international culture, art and literary festivals and forums, and exchanged ideas on the possibilities of prospective operations. In this regard, the Minister of Culture has initiated the renovation and architectural strengthening processes of historic and culturally significant buildings and establishments in Mongolia. This work is notably based on analyses by international specialists in order to ensure the renovations are up to global standards. Previously, a collaborative research was conducted by specialist from India and South Korea on refining the reconstruction methods. Within the scope of the renovation processes, the two sides agreed to enroll the specialists in language and professional trainings. Furthermore, the officials agreed to cooperate to further develop the art and cultural sectors of the two countries.

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