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Broadcast 18-02-2025

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Electronic signatures begin to be issued for citizens

Densmaa 2022-05-04 01:05

With the newly amended Law on Electronic Signature coming into effect from May 1st, electronic signatures have begun to be issued for citizens from this Monday.

With the newly amended Law on Electronic Signature coming into effect from May 1st, electronic signatures have begun to be issued for citizens from this Monday. According to the legislation, the signature will be issued for a term of 5 years to all Mongolian citizens above the age of 16. At a ceremony organized for its launch, Head of the General Authority for State Registration noted that the electronic signature will ensure the authenticity of the corresponding document. As a confirmation mechanism will be utilized when signing, it will be considered as the same as a handwritten signature, and highlighted that the electronic signature is easy to use, and cost-efficient despite being highly secure. By fully introducing electronic signatures into practice, it becomes possible for citizens and organizations to remotely carry out works and acquire certain services, such as taking a loan digitally, and accessing public services on the E-Mongolia system. Additionally, though the Law on Electronic Signature was approved by the parliament in 2011, only about 40 thousand citizens had acquired electronic signatures which were mainly used for issuing reports to tax organizations. The amendments to the law reflect using electronic signatures in establishing contracts and agreements.

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