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Broadcast 13-03-2025

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Ulaanbaatar to host 2nd East Asian Youth Games

Densmaa 2021-01-21 02:01

Ulaanbaatar to host 2nd East Asian Youth Games

President of Mongolian National Olympic Committee N.Tuvshinbayar met with the representatives of Ulaanbaatar Sport Management company to discuss the organization of the 2nd East Asian Youth Games which will be held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in 2023.


Mongolia won the bid to host the event in 2017 and the East Asian Games Association (EAGA), Ulaanbaatar city administration, and Mongolian National Olympic Committee signed a tripartite contract in Taichung, Taiwan.


It is held every four years since 2019 among athletes aged 14-18 from eight East Asian countries as well as the Pacific Island of Guam in 12 sports categories.

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