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Broadcast 13-03-2025

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Mongolian parliamentarians lead the "International Parliamentary Games" by chess

Oyundelger 2019-10-25 05:10

Mongolian parliamentarians Purevdorj and Saranchimeg successfully participated in the category of chess at the 10th International Parliamentary Games

Mongolian parliamentarians Purevdorj and Saranchimeg successfully participated in the category of chess at the 10th International Parliamentary Games which was held in Moscow. At the games, MP Purevdorj won the 5th place in the men's category out of 100 parliamentarians around the world. MP Saranchimeg led the women’s category. Then she competed with men and placed on the 11th.  This year's games brought together MPs, prominent politicians, and public figures from 13 countries and organized in six sports tournament such as mini-football, table tennis, tennis, billiards, chess and badminton. The International Parliamentary Games have been held since 2009 on the initiative of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sport of Russia's State Duma.

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