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Broadcast 23-02-2025

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Otgonjargal wins first place in Dancon March.

Oyundelger 2019-08-19 12:08

Mongolian peacekeeper Otgonjargal who is serving in UNMISS peacekeeping operation won first place in the women's category of ‘Dancon UNMISS 2019’ march.

Mongolian peacekeeper Otgonjargal who is serving in UNMISS peacekeeping operation won first place in the women's category of ‘Dancon UNMISS 2019’ march. She is a senior leader of Firefighting and rescues unit No.32 of the Emergency Department of Khentii province. The 25 km marathon has been organized among international peacekeepers since 1972. Participants must carry 10 kg to compete in the tournament. Some 352 peacekeepers from 37 countries competed in the march, of which 157 were women. Otgonjargal is the third Mongolian woman serving in the UNMISS peacekeeping operation.

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