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Broadcast 18-12-2024

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Mongolia-Poland business forum takes place

Oyundelger 2019-07-17 03:07

Mongolia-Poland business forum took place in UB to develop bilateral economic cooperation.

Mongolia-Poland business forum took place in UB to develop bilateral economic cooperation. Mongolia and Poland make trades worth of EUR 60 million a year, mostly of cashmere and wool, textile goods and fruits. The meeting aimed at connecting businessmen of the two countries and creating opportunities for cooperation in mining, agriculture and electric bus manufacturing. By providing the above-mentioned opportunities, it is possible to increase bilateral trade turnover to EUR 100 million, organizers of the forum highlighted. At the meeting, Polish side also touched issues on establishing a joint factory for manufacturing final products with the mineral raw materials, and exporting its products to the European market as well as Polish banks’ providing soft loans to Mongolian entities. The Vice President of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency said “To develop bilateral trade and economic cooperation, it is necessary to provide Polish companies and businesses with information about Mongolian business and legal environments first. Our businesses are willing to collaborate with Mongolian companies in spheres of milk and milk products, groceries and electric bus manufacturing”. Poland is one of the leaders in manufacturing constructional materials and agricultural equipment to Mongolia. As of first five months of this year, Mongolian businesses have exported products worth USD 71 million to Poland and imported goods worth USD 25 million from the country according to the reports of Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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