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Broadcast 18-12-2024

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Mongolia-China Expo to be co-organized

Oyundelger 2019-04-23 04:04

Within the goal to bring bilateral trade turnover to USD 10 billion by 2020, the decision was made to jointly organize the Mongolia-China Expo biannually.

Within the goal to bring bilateral trade turnover to USD 10 billion by 2020, the decision was made to jointly organize the Mongolia-China Expo biannually. Thus, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry has organized the expo in Hohhot, China in 2015 and 2017. The 3rd Mongolia-China Expo will be taking place in Hohhot and Ulanqab cities by the end of September this year, under the supervision of the Minister. Within the event, over 20 events in the areas of investment, forum and cultural exchange under the motto, ‘Let’s support Northeast Asian regional partnership’ will be organized. Japan and the Republic of Korea have been invited to the third Mongolia-China expo as the main guest countries. An international forum on the sustainable development of Mongolian-Chinese cashmere industry, and design competitions for cashmere clothes will be also organized at the expo.

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