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Broadcast 18-12-2024

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'Protein' rendering plant inaugurated

Oyundelger 2019-02-19 06:02

Protein factory for meat and bone meal and animal fat rendering was launched in Emeelt, east of UB, to increase domestic production and boost the economic growth.

Protein factory for meat and bone meal and animal fat rendering was launched in Emeelt, east of UB, to increase domestic production and boost the economic growth. The factory has a daily capacity to render 24 tons of meat and bone meal and 17 tons of animal fat. The Government of Mongolia is implementing the 'Industrialization' program in aims of developing value-added, internationally-recognized, competitive, and sustainable production as well as increasing jobs, internal and external trade turnovers, and economic growth. It is noteworthy that Mongolia will no longer spend MNT 18 billion annually on imports of meat and bone meal with the coming into operation of 'Protein' as the plant is capable of satisfying 80 percent of the domestic demand for the product. Moreover, the products are planned to be exported in the future as they are in high demand in the international market. The Prime Minister Khurelsukh highlighted the plant will make valuable contribution to attaining the goal of providing the population with healthy food and thus becoming an exporter. He also noted the Government is ready to fully support and cooperate with the enterprises that create wealth and jobs.

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