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Broadcast 25-03-2025

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DAN recognition system introduced

Oyundelger 2018-10-04 03:10

Mongolian National Data center has introduced DAN digital recognition system to the public during ICT Expo 2018.

Mongolian National Data center has introduced DAN digital recognition system to the public during ICT Expo 2018.  DAN system, next version of the KHUR digital service system, identifies and verifies person online, allowing citizens to have online services and the system is able to work closely with non-interrelated private and public service systems. With the purpose to develop the electronic governance by the Communication and Information Technology Authority and the Mongolian National Data Center have developed the state information exchange “KHUR” system, which is the base of digital service and introduced to the service from January of last year. Opening ceremony of the data center for KHUR system took place on October 01 in eastern Sukhbaatar aimag as the first local area to introduce the system and the ceremony was aired live during the  ICT Expo. Therefore, the residents there are now able to receive public services without going to the aimag centre. They also are given the chance to change their SIM cards and purchase phone numbers. When getting services, it is enough that the citizens have their finger prints read. Previously, the client who requested to get services required to collect different types of inquiries and other documents. The systems have been developed to make services and activities of the state as well as private organizations towards citizens more accessible, citizen-centered, transparent and quick.

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