Mongolia and Germany sign agreements on development cooperation

A grant of EUR 19.5 million is dedicated to preserving Mongolia’s outstanding biodiversity.
The Minister of Finance Khurelbaatar.Ch and Ambassador of Germany to Mongolia Stefan Duppel signed two agreements regarding German-Mongolian Development Cooperation in the presence of Prof. Dr. Claudia Warning, Director General of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). A grant of EUR 19.5 million is dedicated to preserving Mongolia’s outstanding biodiversity. The funds will be used to continue the very successful project ‘Biodiversity and Adaptation to Climate Change’ that so far has supported 11 protected areas in the North Eastern parts of Mongolia. With the additional funding – putting the total commitment of the German side to EUR 30 million so far – protected areas in the Western and South-Western regions will benefit. This is a crucial further step in the very fruitful cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia. A concessional loan agreement on EUR 21 million was signed with the aim to improve the Mongolian energy transmission grid. This is also an important basis that renewable energy can be fed in into the Mongolian Energy grid. Both projects are financed by BMZ and are implemented by KfW. The respective financing agreements were signed as well. Germany has been supporting sustainable development in Mongolia for over 25 years and has so far provided over EUR 400 million.
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