First passive solar greenhouse in capital city built

The greenhouse was built with the technical assistance of French organization GERES in partnership Agrocampus of EU, NUM, and MULS, which is financed by European Union.
The opening ceremony of the Passive Solar Greenhouse in Agropark research and training center of Mongolian University of Life Sciences held. The greenhouse was built with the technical assistance of French organization GERES in partnership Agrocampus of EU, NUM, and MULS, which is financed by European Union. The passive solar greenhouse, which will get its 100 percent energy from the sun, will be open for 10 months in a year to be used for further scientific researches by students of the universities. The cooperation will allow parties to provide online lessons on how to build innovative and energy efficient greenhouses and to enrich the vegetable production as well. Mongolian climate is extreme and therefore, it limits the period of the growing season for only three months. However, 256 days of the whole year is sunny in Mongolia and that is the reason for building solar greenhouses to use the energy fully. The great potential of the greenhouse as the training facility will enrich the production capacity of Mongolian vegetable growing and therefore, the quantity.
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