Mongolian herders look for new ways of reach markets

The topics covered at the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock are: food and food security, means of subsistence and growth, animal health and welfare, climate and the use of natural resources.
Mongolia’s capital hosted the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock with the participation of 120 experts from 34 countries. Mongolia has 66 million herds of livestock for a population of three million proving that Mongolia is one of the first countries in the world for livestock. However, the industry is in crisis due to climate change and rural exodus. The topics covered in the conference are: food and food security, means of subsistence and growth, animal health and welfare, climate and the use of natural resources. The livestock industry has been the main source of income for its people for centuries and therefore Mongolia is dubbed nomadic. In Mongolia, 40 percent of the population is lives off the land. However, in recent years, pasture quality and productivity have dropped, both for environmental factors and the aging livestock. Accordingly, the Mongolian Livestock program was launched. Under a plan called industrialization 21:100, about a hundred processing plants are in the works in 21 provinces to treat meat, milk, and wool and provide better access to markets. The plan aims to protect breeder and livestock, with an eye towards protecting biodiversity, wildlife, and landscape. Another important goal is better communication between herders and markets.
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