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Broadcast 05-02-2025

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Mongolia learns artisanal mining practices of Ecuador and Colombia

Oyundelger 2018-06-06 03:06

Mongolian Parliamentary Members and officials conducted the study tour to Colombia and Ecuador to learn from best practices and lessons learned on formalizing Artisanal Small-scale Mining supply chain

Mongolia`s study team consisting of Mongolian Parliamentary Members and officials conducted the study tour to Colombia and Ecuador to learn from best practices and lessons learned on formalizing Artisanal Small-scale Mining supply chain. The team consisted of officials  from the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry, the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Agency, the Bank of Mongolia, Precious Metal Assay Inspection Department, and Governor of Bayankhongor province went on this study tour under Sustainable Artisanal Mining (SAM) project by Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The project has been implemented since 2005. In Columbia, the Mongolian delegates met with all key stakeholders in the gold supply chain including Ministry of Mining and Energy of Colombia, National Mining Agency, Ministry of Trade and Industry, National Mining Association, Tri Cargo, a gold exporter, and Alloy, a gold refiner. Colombia has liberalized its gold trading and all activities of gold supply chain including assaying, refining, buying and exporting are done by Colombian private sector which is very different from Mongolia. Afterward, the Mongolian delegates visited Ecuador, met with Ministry of Mines, Central Bank, National Institute of Geology, Mining and Metallurgy, Technical University and remote ASM site. Ecuadorian Central bank purchases gold for its reserve which is similar to Mongolia’s current system. However, the Country also allows large producers to export their gold to international markets. Additionally, the Central Bank of Ecuador is piloting a gold purchase in local ASM area, which is what Mongolia is currently implementing.


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