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Broadcast 19-12-2024

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IFC organizes workshops on attracting foreign investment into Mongolia

Oyundelger 2018-04-23 07:04

International Finance Organization (IFC) and the Government of Mongolia concluded the first set of workshops on investment promotion, best-practice principles, and techniques.

IFC organizes workshops on attracting foreign investment into Mongolia. International Finance Organization (IFC) and the Government of Mongolia concluded the first set of workshops on investment promotion, best-practice principles, and techniques. The workshops are part of a series of capacity-building workshops under the WBG Investment Policy and Agriculture Investment Promotion Project to support Mongolia’s agenda to draw more international investors and offer more investment opportunities. The workshops were attended by about 50 representatives including officials from Mongolia’s National Development Agency (NDA), which is mandated to lead and coordinate the Government’s FDI planning and promotion efforts. The three-day sessions underlined the need for a collaborative, inter-agency approach to investment promotion. They offered a platform for exchanging ideas and discussing perspectives on how the agencies can best work together. Further, the event laid the groundwork for jointly developing investor-friendly promotional materials for key investment project opportunities with a focus on agribusiness. This collaborative ‘Team Mongolia’-based approach to investment promotion is one of the recommendations in the World Bank Group’s forthcoming Investment Reform Map­ — an initiative being developed in partnership with the Mongolian Government to chart a recommended course for improving Mongolia’s investment climate and maximizing the country’s FDI potential.

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