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Broadcast 04-02-2025

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Russian data on Mongolia's geology returned

Oyundelger 2018-03-28 06:03

Minister of Foreign Affairs Tsogtbaatar handed over the first part of a report on Russian geological research conducted in Mongolia from 1950 to 1990 to the Minister of Mining and Heavy Industry.

Russian data on Mongolia's geology returned. Mongolia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Tsogtbaatar handed over the first part of a report on Russian geological research conducted in Mongolia from 1950 to 1990 to the Minister of Mining and Heavy Industry Sumiyabazar. Seventy discs of data had been stored in the archives of the Russian Federal Geological Fund. Once entered into Mongolia's geological and minerals resource database, the research data is expected to significantly contribute to the development of geological sector and play an important role in attracting more domestic and foreign investment, as baseline data is the most important factor. Due to certain conditions during socialist times, the research materials and reports of Soviet expeditions were not handed over to the state's geological fund. ‘These documents will vastly contribute to the development of the geological and mining sectors as well as become important to geological science and undertaking an assessment of the minerals sector’ said Mining minister Sumiyabazar.

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