New deposit accounts in Mongolia are increased

The number of individuals and entities opening new deposit accounts at the Mongolian Central Securities Depository (MCSD) increased by 2.5 percent compared to the previous month.
The number of individuals and entities opening new deposit accounts at the Mongolian Central Securities Depository (MCSD) increased by 2.5 percent compared to the previous month, exceeding 10 thousand. This is highest indicator since 2016, informed the Mongolian Central Securities Depository. In terms of structures, around 99.8 percent of account issuers are local citizens. Whereas non-residents form 0.1 percent, the remaining were local and foreign entities. Mirae Asset Securities Mongolia, the underwriter of LendMN JSC, inaugurated 1240 deposit accounts, which is 27 times higher than the previous month. The increasing of the deposit accounts lead to intensified activities of Mongolian Stock Exchange such as almost 860 million MNT or around 360 thousand USD worth trades were conducted as of last year. This is considered the record high of 26 years according to Mongolian Stock Exchange.
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