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Broadcast 10-03-2025

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‘Mongolia Gold-2018’ conference and exhibition to run

Oyundelger 2018-03-06 07:03

‘Mongolia Gold 2018’ conference and exhibition will be co-organized by the Mongolian Gold Producers’ Association and Mongolian Mining Exchange.

‘Mongolia Gold 2018’ conference and exhibition will be co-organized by the Mongolian Gold Producers’ Association and Mongolian Mining Exchange. During the conference, the parties will conclude a Memorandum of Cooperation to intensify an implementation of ‘Gold-2’ program, which was planned to be launched during 2018-2020 to increase the gold exploration, and strengthen further cooperation. International organizations such as the China Gold Association and Canada’s Outotec will initiate cooperation with the Mongolian Gold Producers’ Association, establishing a memorandum of cooperation.  Moreover, business meetings on investment and cooperation will be organized and training on how to receive financing from the Development Bank of Mongolia and Golomt Bank, how to formulate the feasibility study that meets requirements and others will be provided for enterprises. In addition, internationally well-known Sakthi Trading Group, a global leader in Gold and diamond-based commodities from conflict-free zones of the West Africa and East Africa; and Kalot Precious Metals, a global leader in integrated precious metals solutions, will attend to give presentations and share experiences.


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