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Broadcast 04-02-2025

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Erdenes Mongol to implement anti-bribery management system

Oyundelger 2018-02-28 07:02

Erdenes Mongol LLC, a state owned asset management firm, has signed a memorandum of understanding with ISO Mongolia LLC.

Erdenes Mongol to implement anti-bribery management system. Erdenes Mongol LLC, a state owned asset management firm, has signed a memorandum of understanding with ISO Mongolia LLC. The standards will play an important role in reducing the corruption index of Mongolia, risks of corruptions and enabling the company to participate in the international projects and programs. Furthermore, the MOU will ensure the company and its subsidiaries to introduce international requirements and guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining, reviewing and improving the anti-bribery management system. Erdenes Mongol LLC was established in 2007 with a purpose to represent the Government of Mongolia in developing the nation’s strategically important mineral deposits. The company also owns the state-owned shares of 34 percent of Oyu Tolgoi LLC, which is the one of the largest gold and copper deposits in the world.

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