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Broadcast 04-02-2025

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British traveler risks wolves and bears to skate 100 miles across Mongolian frozen lake

Oyundelger 2018-02-20 07:02

40-year-old adventurer Jim Mee from North Yorkshire, England, recently completed over 160 km or 100 miles crossing of Khövsgöl Nuur, lake located in the northwest of Mongolia.

40-year-old adventurer Jim Mee from North Yorkshire, England, recently completed over 160 km or 100 miles crossing of Khövsgöl Nuur, lake located in the northwest of Mongolia - despite not having skated for about 20 years. By doing this, the experienced mountaineer and wilderness explorer has become the first person ever to ice skate across one of the world’s most barren and inhospitable landscapes and he is also now the first person to ever to skate the lake’s entire length. The frozen lake is 136 kilometers or 85 miles long and Jim blindly tackled the crossing to 100 miles when zig-zags to the edge of the lake to camp were taken into account. Jim Mee skated for nine hours a day for three days braving temperatures that dipped down to -47ºc, and local wildlife including wolves and bears. He is now also the first person to ever to skate the Khövsgöl Nuur lake’s entire length. His traverse is being turned into an official event, which will make its debut next year. Jim Mee is the founder of Rat Race Adventure Sports, a firm that holds endurance events across the UK and beyond, from ultra-marathons to multi-sport epics. And having proved Khövsgöl Nuur which is the largest freshwater lake in Mongolia by volume and second largest by area can be crossed via human power, Rat Race has now added the ‘Mongol 100’ to its roster. The first event will run next year and will see participants traversing the ice ‘by any means’ - either running, walking, skating or biking.

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