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Broadcast 04-02-2025

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Green Asia network NGO to collaborate in combating desertification and yellow dust storm

Oyundelger 2018-02-06 09:02

A Memorandum on cooperation in combating desertification and yellow dust storm was signed by Minister of Environment and Tourism Tserenbat.N and Ki Chul Oh, NGO Chief Executive Officer of the GAN NGO.

A Memorandum on cooperation in combating desertification and yellow dust storm was signed by Minister of Environment and Tourism Tserenbat.N and Ki Chul Oh, NGO Chief Executive Officer of the Green Asia Network Mongolia (GAN) this Monday. The yellow dust storm is the meteorological phenomenon which affects much of East Asia year round, especially in spring. The dust originates in the deserts of Mongolia, northern China, and Kazakhstan where high-speed surface winds and intense dust storms kick up dense clouds of fine, dry soil particles. These clouds are then carried eastward by prevailing winds and pass over China, North and South Korea, and Japan, as well as parts of the Russian Far East. The memorandum signed enables Mongolia to cooperate with other countries through GAN NGO in combating desertification and yellow dust storm. Established in 1998, GAN NGO is an international organization which works for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Having 18 years of operation in Mongolia, GAN has planted trees on over 6000 hectares of land along with local people in support of their livelihood. Additionally GAN established a forestry training center with the support of the Government in 2017 where it holds training on planting fruit trees to locals and which accommodates Seed Laboratory of the Forest Research and Development Center.

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