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Broadcast 11-03-2025

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Vegetable farms to be supported

Oyundelger 2017-12-26 08:12

ADB has offered Mongolia 3 million USD worth of grant to support small vegetable farmers.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has offered Mongolia 3 million USD worth of grant to support small vegetable farmers. Under the grant support, a project will introduce a community-farming model, applying improved climate-resilient farming practices and high-level greenhouse technology. It will strengthen farm-to-market linkages and integrate farming groups into inclusive agriculture value chains. The country’s central growing region of Tuv, Selenge, Darkhan-Uul, and Uvs provinces will be involved in the project. Unlike livestock, vegetable farming remains an underdeveloped sector in Mongolia despite the good potential for cropping. Vegetable farmers generally earn low incomes and Mongolia is heavily reliant on imported products. The demand for good quality, the locally-grown fresh produce is on the rise as people relocate to cities which the city residents become more aware of the need to extend their diets beyond traditional meat staples. The project is expected to directly benefit at least 180 farming households, many of them headed by women. Indirect benefits will accrue to at least 45,000 people in target districts or sub-provinces. The grant is funded by the Japanese government-financed Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR), which over the past 18 years has supported projects in Mongolia focusing on poverty alleviation, community development, improving livelihoods, and safeguarding the environment.

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