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Broadcast 25-04-2024

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National population census commission to be held in 2020

Oyundelger 2017-12-11 07:12

The Parliament adopted bills on Timing of the National Population and Housing Census and Forming a National Commission in charge of National Census.

During its plenary meeting, the Parliament adopted bills on Timing of the National Population and Housing Census and Forming a National Commission in charge of National Census, which were introduced with the approving decision of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Economics. The date of the upcoming National Population and Housing Census has been fixed on January 8-9, 2020. The Statistical Law of Mongolia states that a national census will be conducted every ten years whereas a by-census will take place every five years. The last by-census was conducted in 2015. The law also regulates that the date and the team in charge will be determined by the Parliament at least two years in advance. The bills were thus drafted and have been adopted.

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