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Broadcast 18-12-2024

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Mongolia records significant increase in frequency of seismic vibration

Oyundelger 2017-11-14 09:11

Mongolian Permanent Council for Earthquake Disaster Prevention met to review operations in first ten months of this year and implementation rate for decisions adopted at previous meeting.

The Mongolian Permanent Council for Earthquake Disaster Prevention met to review operations in the first ten months of this year and implementation rate for the decisions adopted at the previous meeting. As of the first ten months of 2017, over 1,000 seismic vibrations were registered nationwide, a figure ten times higher than the average of recent years. For instance, more than 200 seismic vibrations were detected in 2010. U. Enkhtuvshin, Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the Council emphasized how this increase calls for an intensification of earthquake disaster prevention measures taken by the Permanent Council. The Deputy Prime Minister will brief the Cabinet on the earthquake data, disaster prevention measures and the required finance. The meeting resolved to reflect several issues in the Council’s action plan for 2018, beginning with redrafting of budgets in local administrative units. The 2018 action plan will include measures such as renewing the national list of kindergarten, school, hospital and museum building that are susceptible to earthquake, intensifying the progress on certifying all buildings and facilities, building an emergency bodybuilding in some provinces, establishing a laboratory for construction quality and building temporary shelters and gathering points for civilians during disasters.

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